Hammer Commerce is proud to announce that we have officially partnered with OroCommerce.
As a leading team of eCommerce developers, architects, and strategists, Hammer Commerce has sought to develop expertise in multiple platforms as a way of ensuring that our clients aren’t limited to one technology when considering how to grow their online presence. The modern era requires businesses to create unique digital experiences that cater to the specific needs of their customers and limiting our offerings to a single platform would mean going against our belief in providing our clients with the tools they need to create a sustainable, scalable, digital commerce experience that allows their business to grow. It was for that reason that we’ve partnered with other major platforms, and have chosen to add OroCommerce to our roster.
OroCommerce is a unique suite of tools that have been designed to support B2B businesses like manufacturers, wholesalers, and distributors. As a cloud-based digital commerce platform that comes with a built-in CRM and marketplace capabilities, OroCommerce is able to help B2B and B2B2C manage their mid-sized and enterprise operations seamlessly across geographic regions. Utilizing a modular, API-first approach, OroCommerce can integrate with other organizational systems and tools so that businesses can adapt their organization’s technology stack to the changing conditions of their industry.
No two businesses have exactly the same needs, and Hammer Commerce has worked with B2B businesses for decades to create digital commerce solutions that fit their needs like a glove. OroCommerce provides tools that will allow our developers and architects to continue building solutions that reflect the unique aspects of our clients’ businesses today and can grow with them into the future.